Reality can be a dream coming true.
Sometimes, reality is unbelievable like some dreams.
Fantasy is infatuation with that which will never be reality.
When our dreams become reality, it's like living a fantasy.
Where does the circle end?
Reality can be, "I wish I was sleeping."
In my dreams I would be in a reality that would turn into a fantasy when I awaken.
In reality, I know for a fact my dream was a fantasy.
When dreams come true, whether the sleeping dreams, or the fantastical dreams, they become reality.
So, your fantasy that you dreamed is now your reality.
Conscious dreams can come true, which means you can live in a fantasy world.
You can dream and fantasize but you have to make sure those dreams and fantasies don't go beyond reality.
In conclusion, dreams or fantasies can come true as long as you are true to your own reality.
I believe I have over-thought my definitions of reality, dream and fantasy and have come very close to confusing myself. I obviously have way too much time on my hands and need to leave the coffee alone.
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